Those of you who know me know that I really could care less about toys and clothes designed for gender. We waited to find out the sex of the baby until birth and we prefer to buy him gender neutral clothes and even toys.
Imagine my surprise this week when William showed a definite preference for wheeled toys like trains and cars.
He still enjoys playing with his kitchen and his balls and balloons, but he's started to carry a car around wherever he goes.
There are studies done with children and monkeys (not at the same time) to test this exact thing. And guess what, boy children and boy monkeys preferred cars and trucks and girl monkeys preferred plush toys. Interesting, huh? I suppose it is genetic afterall.
In other news, Will's started in the toddler room at daycare this week. He seems to enjoy it and we love the interaction and socialization he gets. The daycare is very interactive and structured- he goes to music in the morning and they all sing learning songs. In the afternoon there is a different activity every day. When he's home, he's as industrious as ever.
He's a very busy boy these days and has expanded his repertoire to include climbing on and off the coffee table and climbing onto the couch.
He insists on walking around when we go out for walks now. He's not a marathoner yet, he gets distracted easily and wanders off, but we're impressed with his stamina.
What's most amazing to us is how he's transitioned. He's no longer an infant, barely a baby, definitely a toddler.