Dave turned 40! He wanted a rocket ship, but instead I got him some "mid-life crisis*" jeans and a New York Strip. Oh well, D, maybe when you turn 80! (*tailored, non-Levis jeans for once).
Will is a great "swimmer!" He passed his class with flying colors and is always eager to take a bath and demonstrate his new skills. These include: kicking, "floating" on his back, blowing bubbles and pouring water all over the toilet seat. He will start the next level of lessons "Seahorse," next week.
Dave and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. I KNOW, weird, right? We rented a babysitter and moseyed down to Steakhouse 10, exchanged gifts and smooches and the very rare Adult Parent exchange.
We almost didn't know what to do with ourselves.
We all went to a Rockies game. I think Will is a smidge too young. He wanted to play on the play structure and was a little disappointed that he couldn't actually participate in the game himself.
Will has been watching a "reading" kids show called "Super Why." He loves it and we love it. It's
"educational" and thank god anything but Diego. The characters all wear capes. So I made will a cape and a mask. This has helped birth Will's superhero persona: Stickyman. Stickyman climbs up anything. No broken bones yet.
"educational" and thank god anything but Diego. The characters all wear capes. So I made will a cape and a mask. This has helped birth Will's superhero persona: Stickyman. Stickyman climbs up anything. No broken bones yet.
I took Will on an overnight trip to visit my friend Jeanne and her family. They are spending the summer in North Fork, which is high in the Rockies. I think the transfer from my old phone to the email and upload did something odd to the color. It is much, much more saturated and green than it looks in these pictures.
This was Will's favorite activity.
Stickyman plays with a stick.
We went out in the little boat.
Will enjoyed rolling the pool balls around into their pockets.
We rode our bikes to Pioneer Park for an Olde Timey Pioneer Celebration. Will tried to roll the hoops.
We rode in a stagecoach (second time I've gotten him close to horses).
And Will dosey-do-ed.
We went to the zoo. Will was not as amazed by the nearness of the tiger as we were.
Dave took Will to ProBass Sport Shop. Will found his favorite activity. Which of course, must be accomplished while wearing goggles.
There have been water parks aplenty.