I'm so excited, last night William slept the majority of the night in the pack n' play in our bedroom with us. This is HUGE. William has displayed a definite preference for his swing or us (our boy's a snuggler) over the large expanse of the pack n' play. Since we brought Will home, Dave and I have been taking three and four hour shifts on the couch in the living room while William slept in the swing or in his carrier. One of us would stay with William while the other lay down in the bedroom. It did not bode well for our beauty rest and we were becoming a little ragged. I know newborns can have awkward sleep schedules (except for newborn Dave- he slept through the night at week 2!) and that they would mix up their days and nights- being more wakeful in the evening hours, and I am profoundly grateful that Dave has had four weeks off so we could share in the sleep deprivation.
It seems that Will has decided to sleep more through the night and also has decided that his pack n' play is not so bad. It did not keep me from waking up every time our noisy little baby grunted, squeaked, groaned or farted. Nor did it keep me from checking on him when he was silent, but that's my issue not his. He was a star!
I hope this means that he will continue to approve of his new sleeping arrangement, and that also we can transition him to his permanent crib in a month's time. We will see. We know who's calling the shots these days.
Also, we've had some visitors! I was woefully underprepared. I have ONE picture of Uncle Jake holding Master William. So this is an appeal to those who've visited to send along some images for me to post. Whoops.
A Stand in Image- Torture The Dog
in the Name of Entertainment
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