Commence Operation To Grandmother's House We Go
So on Saturday we packed up the car to head for an overnight to Grandpa John and Grandma Veronica's house in the Sacromento area. We were used to loading up because we've done some extended camping trips with the dogs, but we were not used to traveling with a baby. Well, there's a first time for everything, right?
Will, looking dapper in his traveling hat Packing the car and organizing everything was relatively simple but there was a large amount of everything because of our one new variable: Will. How many outfits would he need? How much extra milk to pack? Pack and play or just co-sleep? Where's the thingamajig that you need for the other thing to go in? What the heck did we do with the whatchamabobbit and I could have sworn you put away the whosits, so it's
your fault we can't find it now.
Will got a similar view, only in reverse. With dog heads in the way.
We did get on the road and our little angel was, well, angelic. So glad he's a baby who's lulled by the road and the tires, he only made a little noise when we were stopped. He thought spitting out the pacifier and crying for the pacifier was great fun. We've traveled before over the hill sans baby during mercurial High Sierra springs and gotten stuck at the summit while the roads were cleared more than once. It was our greatest fear.
Uncle Jake and Will chatWe arrived at G and G's uneventfully and commenced Operation Baby Hand Around. Cousins and aunts and guests all ooo'ed and aahh'ed as they should so Will got a great introduction to his large extended family. As I've mentioned before he's a much more interactive baby now that's he's climbed the hill on two months so there were lots of smiles and coos and a few yells.
Auntie Amber and WillWell that's where the trouble started. He was fed and then the yells kind of started to escalate. They escalated to a point where Will was yelling/screaming non stop. It was startling and disturbing, this was totally new! We whisked him away the first time and ssshhed and swaddled him and he finally calmed down. Until three hours and another feeding later!
Grandpa's got the magic touchIt is so hard to watch your baby scream inconsolably. We weren't helping. Grandpa stepped in with a patented pat and jiggle and he calmed immediately.
Chillin' in the snugglesaurus outfitNight time was difficult too. We opted not to use the portable crib, instead installing Will between us. He slept but needed constant physical reassurance. Still Will slept better than the both of us.
Easter outfits on parade. My Sleepless Look courtesy of Young Will.Unfortunately we left before Easter dinner. We were concerned about the weather which was a bummer.
Aunties and Uncles in attendanceWhen we got home we held our breaths thinking now we had one of those patented screaming colicky babies on our hands, hey our pediatrician said colic starts any time between two and four months.
Will's best "who me?" faceFortunately Will decided to be "good," and didn't scream or fuss. I think he was as wiped out as we were. He slept like the perfect little baby he is and woke only to smile and eat and poop and get his diaper changed.
Will's second best "who me?" faceWell, it was an experience and I'm sure the next time will be that much easier.
Easter outfit courtesy of Grandma Veronica and OmiLife with a baby= never, ever boring!