Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mon Chi Chi

I've been watching Will's expressions.

And comparing them with Dave's.

And noticing they are similar.

OK, maybe not all of them.

One thing we do when Will gets a little bored in the afternoon is walk around and look at stuff in the house (still a little chilly outside for unbundled explorations). He is absolutely fascinated with a wind chime that Dave's boss had given us for a house warming present. It has a small bell on it with a great little tone. Will will stare at it for an hour given the chance and smiles at it all the time.

It's a good arm strengthener too because I have to hold William up and then reach up to ring the bell.

In other news, Will fits into a couple of outfits that Omi bought for him. One has teddy bear ears and feet and Will looks identical to a Mon-Chi-Chi. Remember those weird monkeys from the 80's? May I present my son?

1 comment:

  1. I love Monchhichis! I even have a tee shirt. I feel a song coming on...

    Monchhichi, Monchhichi, oh so soft and cuddley. Put his thumb in his mouth it's really neat, fun to wiggle his little feet.
