Will acted great throughout, there were a couple of nights when he was a bit fussy and didn't want to go to bed. We dosed him with infant Tylenol and rocked him to sleep. And one day his daycare wouldn't take him because he had goopy eyes.
Poor thing! We took him to the doctor just to be sure it wasn't conjunctivitis (it wasn't). They weighed him and we found out he now weighs 24 pounds[EDIT: He's only 21 pounds- I misheard- oops!]! I'm not surprised, he loves to eat and can consume a lot of baby food when he's not busy spitting it out at Mom and Dad. He loves playing with finger foods too. Not eating them so much, but just mashing them around and dropping them on the floor to the delight of the dogs.
He's also discovered a new sleeping position: Classic Baby. Face mashed into the mattress, on his knees, butt in the air. I think it helped him sleep longer when he was stuffed up.
24 lbs! Wow, he's doing great. I think Em is up to about 27 right now, eats like a freaking bird, always has. I think Em lost weight with his last growth spurt.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing Will in Em's old clothes! I'm glad they are still being loved. I hated seeing Emmett out grow them.
I have an empty box by his dresser and toss all the clothes that don't fit him into it. Every other week it seems something's too small, too short, too tight. It's kind of amazing- I can almost see him growing right in front of my eyes.
ReplyDeleteWill and I think you and Emmet have impeccable taste! I LOVE the clothes that have awesome colors and cool graphics on them- and cannot wait to stuff Will into the embellished-by-Ashley onesies :)