Will's really got the crawling thing down now. And he's standing propped and even cruising along on things. He earned a new nickname with this new found mobility: "Livingston The Explorer." Our baby proofing continues and adapts and changes as he does. We haven't found a baby gate long enough to block him from parts of the room so we've placed chairs and boxes in his way (a temporary solution, I know) and spend a lot of time with one eye on him, listening for his chatter. When it's quiet is when it's time to check on him.
Along with his mobility is a completely different energy level. As Alicia said to me about Danny (Will's cousin), "he never, ever stops." And really, Will doesn't unless he's napping. After a day of watching him I'm as tired as I was when he was waking up every three hours. He's pretty independent- can play and explore for extended periods, but we still play a LOT of peekaboo and crawling here and there and removing cords and other inappropriate things that he gets in his hot little hands.
This week he's a lot more open to new foods- soft solids. He's tried cottage cheese, eggs, mashed potatoes and broccoli, mac and cheese. He's having solids three times a day consistently now. He still drinks formula but the solids come first. He loves those little Gerber snacks- the yogurt drops and puffy things which are easy for him to pick up and stuff in his mouth.
We went to Donner State Memorial Park yesterday and it was a little chilly. We stuffed him into the jacket Ashley R and Emmett sent to him and stuck a little hat on his head. He looked adorable but was reminiscent of the baby brother from A Christmas Story.

I think Will enjoyed the outing as much as we did, although I think he missed the irony of such a beautiful little park made for camping and barbecue from a place where people were so hungry they resorted to cannibalism.
This week is Will's 9 month check up. We'll post stats as soon as we get them.
And a video of William not quite getting the purpose of the sippy cup. It is for drinking but shaking is way more fun.
Good for you that you are doing the sippy now. This way he'll have the hang of it by the time he turns one. I have a few friends that waited until a year to give them one and it was difficult to convince them to move on from a bottle or boobie.