It's been way too long, time for a blog update!
Will is turning 1 in a couple of weeks. It has been a year of amazing changes (well, duh). Dave and I can't believe how much has happened. We occasionally go through old pictures just to look at how much he has changed and grown in the last year.
And a lot has happened in the last six weeks too. Will is regularly cruising around on things. He's even stood on his own for a split second once or twice.
He's clapping his hands and shaking his head "no" when he doesn't want anymore food (he shakes his head for the fun of it too). He kind of bounces up and down to a beat. We've found out too, that he is a very good traveller- on the plane or in the car and when he's feeling well he eats like a champ.
We all went down to San Francisco for Dave's Nana's memorial service this last weekend. It was a lovely event, where Nana was laid to rest and her friends (so many friends!) and family celebrated her life during a lunch at Joe's Westlake Restaurant.
William met his all of his cousins for the first time and all of his aunts and uncles too. He accepted introductions and coo-ing with great poise and smiles, as is his way. He and cousin Danny got along famously. Danny was very generous to share his puffs and he even let Will touch Orangeguy briefly! (Orangeguy is Danny's blankie). I predict much troublemaking with the two later on.
On Sunday, before everyone went back to their homes, we all went to the beach. Will experienced his first sand and waves. Dave and he had a great time running from the surf.
And we even got a picture of the three of us together.
Unfortunately, Will must have been incubating some kind of cold because he puked both nights in the hotel, spurring Dave and I into a sort of Keystone Cops routine running around peeling off sleepers and t-shirts and mopping up baby barf. Will's appetite went downhill as did his sleep schedule and he visited the doctor on Monday. He's brewing yet another ear infection and is just sleepy and snotty and poopy all around.
So we've scheduled an appointment with an enterologist next week to see how to more permanently resolve his ear issues.
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