It's been another month of big changes in the family. Young Will is walking with much more confidence now and is managing and mastering stairs and steps with aplomb. He likes to practice going up the stairs and down the stairs a lot. Which is great because our new house in Denver (if you don't yet know, we are relocating to Denver at the beginning of June) is a two story home.

Because Will is the locomotion-master nowadays, he is insistent on getting to places under his own steam. Add an hour to any travel time because walking there is a somewhat random activity. ANYTHING is worthy of further investigation, and after it's investigated, there might be a need to RE-investigate further down the road, which is the cause of many a 180 degree turn. It's always amusing, though, if you have the time, because watching Will discover stuff is awesome.
On Mother's Day we took Will to the Animal Ark in Red Rock (north of Reno). It was a little windy and a little chilly but we all had a good time looking at all the different animals.
Will has also been much more communicative lately. If you offer him something he doesn't want he will shake his head "no." And he consistently says "BALL!" for balls (and for a lot of other ball-shaped things). He's also started saying "Uh Oh" for fun and when he's dropped something. And this weekend he's begun to say "Hi!" to everyone over and over again. I think he's discovered that making certain sounds will elicit a response. And because of, or in addition to, he's much more interested in people and how to interact with them.

In other news, we went to visit Will's new cousin Audrey. Miss Audrey is around a month old and a precious little poppet. Will was a little boogery so was not allowed to touch her. He did, however, express some interest in the noises she made.
We want to thank Grandma Veronica for the wonderful pictures she took while we stayed with Grandma and Grandpa.

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