Three weekends ago, Dave took Will to the Denver Mineral Show where they panned for gold.

And two weekends ago we all went to the Denver Zoo. I love living in a metropolitan city again, there is something to do every single weekend. Dave and I are total nerds and we love to look for all the animals in their habitats and read all the information on the signs. Will, however, is still in that phase of "everything is fascinating."

So while Dave and I were oohing and ahhing over the length of time it takes for a giraffe to pee,

or that Mongolian Wild Horses are the living ancestors of the modern horse, or Madagascan Ring Tailed Lemurs,

or that a Celebes Crested Macaque came over to the window to check *us* out, or the Pink Flamingos...

Will is wandering around becoming enchanted with bridges (different sound when he stomps his feet) or throwing his ball hither and yon, and fascinated with the activities of other children, and any exhibit that features a ball...

I think Dave and I might spring for a babysitter at some point and just check out the exhibits ourselves one day.

This most recent weekend we all went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Dave and I traded off toddler-chasing while the other one looked at minerals or North American mammal exhibits.
It was really fun, but there's a part of me that longs for the time when Will can read and talk and can spend a little time being fascinated with the deliberate exhibits, not just the general physics of life.
Will had a ton of fun playing with all the buttons and flaps of the interactive exhibits.
And when we went to the Discovery Zone (children's room) part of the museum we had Way Too Much Fun playing with the magnets and the flying scarves.
The Nature and Science Museum has a really decent cafe. We had tacos. Which means Will pitched a fit over being able to consume my entire bottle of grapefruit juice and mostly ignored the tacos we ordered.
Until we started eating it all. *Then* he was interested.
It's been great. Barring the ear infection that Will cultivated last week, and the ensuing baboon butt resulting from necessary antibiotics, we've all been having a really great time. Oh, and the weather's been fantastic too.
Next week, who knows? We may be on to a local harvest festival and corn maze, or just hanging out at home. Having a Will-toddler is so much fun.
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