Here's a picture of my relationship with Will during the Spring semester.

Dave has been picking up ALL of the slack and has taken Will to:
The Museum of Nature and Science.

The park. A lot.

Orange Julius where he (in three parts): enjoyed his Orange Julius,

accidentally stuck himself in the eye with the straw,


and was happy about two seconds later.

The Home and Garden Show.

The Lightrail, which is a train that goes downtown.

The Denver Museum of Art.

Where he had a lot of fun playing with an interactive exhibit (bubbles streamed by video across the floor that "pop" as you stomp on them).

Target. A lot.

Will and Daddy are tight.
We celebrated Christmas with Omi. Will got a ton of stuff including his very own laptop (which is nowhere near as fascinating as Mommy's laptop).

And a Trike from Grandma and Papa.
He's very excited about his tricycle and wears his helmet every time he rides.

Will also had a BIRTHDAY! He ate cake.

And cried when he couldn't touch the candle.

We took him to an indoor play place and he went in the bounce house for the first time. The look on his face as he was bouncing around was pure ecstasy, not even joy, just pure, religious ecstasy.

Will as a two year old is an amazing experience. Sometimes exhausting. And often fun and funny. We have a lot of fun, but BOY HOWDY is he opinionated, and he's a bit of a tyrant.
Will has been speaking a lot and he can now put together a couple of words. Such as: Rocky peepee potty outside! And: More airplane! Hi Omi! Hi Papa!
His favorite word is NO. When we ask him if he wants a bath, the answer is no. If he wants to use the potty, the answer is no. If he wants to eat an orange, or go to school or take a nap, it's always no. Although the answer is always yes if we ask him if he wants to watch Yo Gabba Gabba or eat a cookie.
He scolds the dogs (and any other dogs in the neighborhood who are barking), and is fixated on Cicero.
He now enjoys "cooking," which means that he can stir something or add something to a bowl. He's very good at stirring eggs. We're still working on knife skills.

Will and Dave have been to the Museum of Nature and Science innumerable times. There is a particular video of the formation of the earth that Will is absolutely fascinated with. He runs to the video screens and yells "BALL!" with an intensity that is both infectious and somewhat unnerving.

In February we went to visit Will's Papa, as he was having a birthday. The trip down to Phoenix was a new experience. We left late, past Will's bed time and Will was a little overstimulated. We let him play on the people-mover parked near our gate.

When we got to the hotel Will's little mind was so blown, the only thing he wanted to do was jump on the bed. We turned out the lights at 11, but none of us got much sleep that night.
The next day, Will, Dave, Papa and I went on a hike at Mount Morty where Papa and I discussed the various local flora and fauna.

And Will picked up rocks.

We were able to visit with Grandma and Papa and Uncle Sam and Aunt Alicia and Aunt Noelle and cousins Audrey and Danny.

Audrey is adorable!

Uncle Sam's cool rubbed off on William a bit.

Will and Danny got along famously. They shared goldfish crackers.

They played on Danny's Elmo bed.

School will start for me again next week. But the grind will be over in June. In the mean time, we'll try to keep everyone up to date.

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