Sunday, September 19, 2010

One Two Punch

I don't have too many images this week. After Will caught a cold and generously shared it with us, he caught some kind of Martian Death Tummy Bug and shared it with me.

I have not been so barfy and sick in decades. It was hardcore. I knew Will had something when he projectile vomited all over Dave. Twice. In one evening. But I didn't expect to get knocked down so hard. That's life with babies, I suppose. Poop and puke. For everyone.

The good news is he and I have recovered nicely. Will's doing his baby thing, chatting and sort of scooching around (he's not quite yet mobile). Getting great at standing and prefers to be pulled up rather than use his own steam.

Also, he has a nubbin of a tooth! Finally! I'll definitely get some pics of it as it comes in. He's been great about it- not fussy or cranky at all. He's still his mellow, great self.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

William, You Have Immunity

It was inevitable, Will caught his first cold. And then Dave and I caught it too.

Will acted great throughout, there were a couple of nights when he was a bit fussy and didn't want to go to bed. We dosed him with infant Tylenol and rocked him to sleep. And one day his daycare wouldn't take him because he had goopy eyes.

Poor thing! We took him to the doctor just to be sure it wasn't conjunctivitis (it wasn't). They weighed him and we found out he now weighs 24 pounds[EDIT: He's only 21 pounds- I misheard- oops!]! I'm not surprised, he loves to eat and can consume a lot of baby food when he's not busy spitting it out at Mom and Dad. He loves playing with finger foods too. Not eating them so much, but just mashing them around and dropping them on the floor to the delight of the dogs.

He's also discovered a new sleeping position: Classic Baby. Face mashed into the mattress, on his knees, butt in the air. I think it helped him sleep longer when he was stuffed up.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Let's See.... What Does THIS Taste Like?

I have been blogging for months that Will is teething and we have yet to see a tooth pop out. Still no teefs yet, but he's been drooling buckets and wants to gnaw on absolutely everything so we think eruption is imminent.

We've started bathing William in the sink. He can sit up and splash and it's easier for us to bathe him because we don't have to bend over quite so much. He seems to have a blast and it's a lot of fun watching him explore (and taste) his bath toys and the face cloth.

William started daycare last week. While I was excited for Will to be in a new environment (and to have a little more time to myself) I never anticipated how difficult it would be dropping him off. The daycare is clean and quiet and has an excellent ratio of babies to caregivers, not to mention one magical baby minder, Andrea, who is a baby whisperer. She's amazing. But as I prepared to leave Will to go to work all these thoughts raced through my mind: Will they pay enough attention to him? Feed him when he's hungry? Put him down when he's sleepy? What if he misses me? And I got all teary. Fortunately he was his happy go lucky self when I picked him up several hours later and it was easier to drop him off the next time.

Omi came to visit last week. She and Will had a wonderful time playing and chatting with each other. Will really took a shine to her.

And then Aunty Noelle visited this last weekend. Will flirted with her as well. I think our little guy is going to be a player!

Will has a ton of toys that light up and sing and roll and squeak. But he's a purist. He's drawn to newspaper (crunchy) and a wooden spoon (his little scepter). He holds onto the spoon and bangs it around, sticks it up his nose and of course, in his mouth.

And lastly, a short video of Will chatting up a storm.